A warm welcome is extended to all parents, caregivers and other members of our school community.
Our P&C has worked very closely with the school executive during the opening decade of our school.
We meet twice a term on the first Tuesday evening of the month at 7.00pm in the school library.
To contact us with any issues that you would like to raise, please email us at KHS_PandC@hotmail.com
2020 Executive committee
President: Mr D Kempe
Vice President: Mr S Leonard
Secretary: Mrs M Kempe
Treasurer: Mr L Naiker
About us
The Kellyville High School Parents and Citizens Association was formed in 2003 and are a valuable team in our school. They help further enhance the learning, physical and social environment of the school and to raise its profile in the local community.
The P&C aims to:
- promote cooperation between families, students and the school
- assist in informing families about educational matters
- assist in providing facilities for students.
Why get involved with the P&C?
- Get up-to-date information about what's happening and what's proposed from the Principal.
- You get to have a say, ask questions and gain a better understanding about curriculum, school policies and activities.
- You get to meet some great parents and develop strong friendships within the school and parent community.
- International research shows that young people's learning and development are greatly enhanced when families and schools work together.
- You will be in a better position to support your child's learning, both at school and at home, and you send a clear message that their education is important to you.
The school encourages parental involvement and values a strong partnership with its local community.
Extracts from The Journal of the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW:
- Quick member info – Role of the President
Quick member info – Role of the Secretary
Quick member info – Role of the Treasurer
P&C Contribution 2020
Important news for all parents, the P&C have worked with the school and established a P&C Contribution, to be added to the school invoice. This will be set at $50/family/year, and will allow the volunteers to focus less of their efforts on fundraising. The funds raised from this contribution will go towards continuing the good works of the P&C which have included:
- Over $15000 on landscaping improvements
- Curtains and PA system for the hall.
- Sensory garden for all students
- Concreting and shed for musical
- Lights for the musical
- Yearly Scholarships to attract amazing Year 6 talent from our feeder schools and many more items and teams around the school.
The P&C welcomes participation in the meetings to decide where to allocate future funds, and work with the school executive and teachers on providing the absolute best education we can.
The decision is the result of consultation and collaboration between the school and community. It follows decisions and public forums acknowledging we all live very busy lives and the functions of the P&C has changed at Kellyville to reflect a more modern relationship between school and community.
We have many ongoing projects for example; the installation of Softfall on the basketball courts, cricket pitch, furnishing and maintenance at school, landscaping and scholarships.
The inclusion in the student invoice will give the P&C a predictable income to plan our projects with the school.