Kellyville High School


Telephone02 8824 5955

Year 9

 Year 9 Student Advisor Mrs Kaitlyn Georgey

Year 9 is the first year that students study elective subjects. Students also have a range of extra-curricular activities that they can choose to be involved in.

Getting involved

There are great opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities. These include competitions, exhibitions, sport, performances and special events. Student leadership programs provide many activities that broaden your child's experience at school.

National test

All Year 9 students sit for the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test in May. There are five tests covering numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar. One of the numeracy tests requires the use of a calculator.

The results of the NAPLAN test help teachers meet the individual literacy and numeracy needs of students. You will receive a report of your child's achievement in the NAPLAN test. See NAPLAN- literacy and numeracy (also in community languages).

Careers advice

Our school careers adviser can help students make educational choices, define a career direction and prepare for future study and training, based on aptitude and aspirations. There are many different study options available so it is important to make an early start and seek advice.

The careers advisory services website also offers help in clarifying course choices, employment opportunities, career pathways or training options. See career development for students (also in community languages)