Kellyville High School


Telephone02 8824 5955


Kellyville High School uniform

The school community endorses, supports and expects students to be in uniform.

Uniform is an important part of the development of the school as it presents the first (and often lasting) impression people form about the school and its students. We want our students to be seen in a positive way. There are a number of specific advantages uniform gives to students and parents.

1.  It provides security in the sense of easily identifying where students come from should there be an accident. It certainly allows identification of people who don't belong in the school.

2.  Economically it presents a better alternative to buying name brands and the demand to continually upgrade to the latest trends and fads. It lessens the competition for brand names that can develop.

3.  The uniform promotes a sense of identity, common purpose, consistency and unity in the daily activities of students. Wearing it develops pride in achievement and school, which helps establish the positive culture of the school.

Our Daylight uniform shop  and P&C second hand uniform shop are both on site for your convenience.

There will be times when some students will attempt variations to fit the latest transient fad or style. This may involve requests to buy what appear to be 'similar' items from other shops. These variations are not acceptable. Uniform by nature implies unity and consistency. Once variations start to creep in, the value of the uniform can be undermined.

Senior students who arrive at school not wearing the correct uniform may be asked to return home to get the correct uniform and return to school. Parents will be contacted in this instance.

Junior students who arrive at school not wearing the correct uniform will be subject to school discipline processes and receive a Lunch Detention.

All students who do not have the correct school uniform (particularly correct school shoes) will be removed from practical subjects where a Workplace Health and Safety issue may exist.


What to do if my child is out of uniform?

If you are unable to provide your child with correct uniform due to unavoidable circumstances please send them with a note to the Head Teacher Administration, who will provide them with a uniform pass if necessary.

If you require assistance in purchasing uniform items due to changing family circumstances please contact the office and enquire about student assistance.


Junior Boys Uniform  - Year 7, 8 and 9

  • KHS Junior Boys Shirt (blue)
  • KHS Boys Shorts
  • KHS Boys Pants
  • Plain White socks
  • KHS Wool Jumper
  • KHS School Jacket - either Microfibre or soft shell
  • Black Leather - Upper School Shoes

Junior Girls Uniform - Year 7, 8 and 9

  • KHS Tartan Skirt
  • KHS Tailored Trousers
  • KHS Tailored Shorts
  • KHS Girls Blouse (blue)
  • Plain White Socks
  • KHS Wool Jumper
  • KHS School Jacket - either Microfibre or soft shell
  • Black Leather  -Upper School Shoes

Senior Boys Uniform - Year 10 ,11 and 12

  • KHS Senior Boys Shirt (white)
  • KHS Boys Shorts
  • KHS Boys Pants
  • Plain White Socks
  • KHS Wool Jumper
  • KHS School Jacket - either Microfibre or soft shell
  • Black Leather - Upper School Shoes

Senior Girls Uniform - Year 10, 11 and 12

  • KHS Tartan Skirt
  • KHS Tailored Trousers
  • KHS Tailored Shorts
  • KHS Girls Blouse (white)
  • Plain White Socks
  • KHS Wool Jumper
  • KHS Jacket - either Microfibre or soft shell
  • Black Leather - Upper School Shoes

Wednesday Sport

Junior students and Year 10  are allowed to wear full sport uniform to school all day on Wednesday only

Practical PE lessons still require sport uniform to be brought to school and changed into on the day.

Sport Uniform

  • KHS Sports Polo
  • KHS Sports Shorts
  • KHS Sports Track Pants
  • Plain White Socks

Representative jackets are not allowed to be worn as a part of the Kellyville High School uniform. They should only be worn when representing the school at specific events.

Dress code - special items

Jewellery: This includes items such as rings, earrings, chains etc.

The basic rule is to use common sense and be aware of safety issues within the school.

  • Inoffensive, standard jewellery is acceptable. This includes stud earrings, and small chains to be worn inside the shirt, but to be removed for PE or sport.
  • Long dangling earrings, large hoop earrings and chains (either around the neck or waist) are inappropriate and present safety concerns. Students may be asked to remove any jewellery which is unsuitable / offensive or a safety hazard.
  • Piercings are unacceptable. Students should wear only plastic studs to school.

Note: Any student who wears clothing and/or jewellery which is offensive, may be removed from class and their parents called. This includes for example, clothing bearing inappropriate symbols, pictures of languages or messages such as endorsing drugs. Tights are not permitted to be worn to school.