Kellyville High School


Telephone02 8824 5955

Communication Update - Term 1 2025

Communication Update - Term 1 2025

Communication Update - Term 1 2025

Dear Parent/Caregivers,

Welcome to Term 1, 2025. We hope that all students are rested after their break and are prepared for the year ahead. 

As advised to the school community at the end of last year we welcome Mr Igor Maric as the new Principal of Kellyville High School. Mr Maric is an experienced educator and principal, we look forward to him imparting his knowledge, insight and leadership to our school community.

06 February All students commences school
07 February High Achievers Assembly
11 February
School photographs
18 February School photographs catchup
20 February  Swimming Carnival - Waves Fitness and Aquatic Centre, Baulkham Hills
26-27 February Year 7 Camp - Yarramundi
04 March Year 7 Meet and Greet Evening - 5:30pm
  P&C Meeting - 7:00pm (Bottom  Block). All parents welcome.

Year 7

We welcome all Year 7 students and parents to our school community.

Year 7 students and their parents will be meeting in the hall at 8:30am for a brief assembly. Year 7 will be doing whole year group activities on Thursday and Friday. Students will be required to bring their recess and lunch in addition to a pencil case. All other resources for the first two days will be provided. Students will receive their class allocation and timetables throughout the day on Friday. In the afternoon at 2:55pm staff will be assisting Year 7 with leaving procedures from school.

Year 8 -12

We welcome back all students from Years 8-12. Students will attend their timetabled period 1 Thursday Week A class. It is expected that all students have been on their portal and pack their bags accordingly for the day. No printed timetables will be issued.

New students (not in Year 7)

We welcome a number of new students to our school community in 2025. All new students are to meet in the admin foyer between 8:20am and 8:30am on Thursday for a guided tour of the school with our SSO, Mr. Liam Pike. All new students will have timetables printed for them, please bring pens and a book to write in. 

Year Advisers 2025

Year 7 Ms. L. Cavallaro
Year 8 Ms. L. Matley
Year 9 Ms. T. Mitai
Year 10 Ms. K. Georgey
Year 11 Ms. V. Ung
Year 12 Ms. T. Swain

Executive Staff 2025

Principal Mr. I. Maric
Deputy Principal (Years 7-9) Mr. G Kayes
Deputy Principal (Years 10-12) Mrs. J. Roberti
Head Teacher English Mr. T. Kearns
Head Teacher CAPA/LOTE Ms. M. Vasilescu
Head Teacher HSIE (Rel.)  Ms. E Wood
Head Teacher Inclusive Education Ms. H. Alalikin
Head Teacher Mathematics Ms. M. Wise
Head Teacher PDHPE Mr. A. Jack
Head Teacher Science Mr. F. Caparelli
Head Teacher TAS Mr. A. Depalo
Head Teacher Administration / History Mr. D. Knott
Head Teacher Teaching and Learning Mrs. K. Upcroft
Head Teacher Wellbeing Mrs. D. Maloney

Before school

It is expected all students are at school ready to learn for classes which commence at 8:30am. Any time before 8:30am students are to remain in the main quad area of our school. Students are not permitted to leave school grounds once they have arrived, move around the school to other areas of the school or play any form of ball sports.

Mobile phones

Students are reminded that mobile phones should be switched off and placed in their bags from the time they enter school to the time they leave in the afternoon. If parents need to get in contact with students they are encouraged to do so by contacting the school office and the message will be passed on.

School uniform

All students are expected to be in full school uniform from Day 1 of Term. This includes the wearing of traditional black leather lace up school shoes. Wednesdays for Years 7-10 are expected to be in full school sports uniform which includes correct school sports shoes. NO WEARING OF TIGHTS is permitted.

Hoodies are not permitted at KHS. 

Please visit the school uniform page to access appointments for the onsite Uniform Shop, that is well stocked with school uniform items, (except shoes).

Driving and parking around school

Mornings and afternoons around our school are an incredibly busy time. This will particularly be the case tomorrow morning when we have Year 7 parents attending our school. We ask that all parents and students of driving age be patient and follow the road rules and parking regulations to be respectful of our neighbours and keep our students safe.

School communication

The school communicates important information through a number of different methods.


Regular emails are sent out by the school which contain important information. Things such as student permission notes for excursions, notifications about different key school events all come through this platform.

School newsletter

Published twice a term, focus on celebrating all that is occurring in our school.

Parent Portal

Contains general information about school life. This is the platform where school interviews are booked and student reports are released. If you are unable to access the Portal, please contact the school office and we will assist in connecting you.

Social Media

The school regularly posts activities on social media. The focus of our social media platforms is to promote activities that have occurred and to celebrate success. Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook

School contact information

Please contact the school office with any further enquiries at or by phone 8824 5955